Upcoming Artists
3 min readApr 16, 2021

Introducing Gora

21-year-old Gora is from the Twin Cities of Minnesota. Gora says that his main reason for making music is because of his friend, Jojo. As they were neighbors, Gora recalls them hanging out a lot and being introduced to the keyboard, which he fell in love with, because of Jojo. Gora’s close friend is now passed away but he still feels the powerful friendship lasting forever and influencing him and his musical journey.

Gora describes that he basically taught himself how to make music along with the help of the internet and some of his close friends. As for the reason he continues to make music, Gora finds it as a way of the truest form of self-expression. Gora says that everybody deserves a chance to express themselves, and music is what does that for him.

Like many other rising artists in the industry, Gora is not completely sure what he would consider his music genre to be. He makes a mix of rap, pop, and alternative. His music is interesting because along with rapping Gora also is a talented singer and uses his unique vocals to illustrate his profound creativity. It is hard because Gora describes the problem with labeling music as only one genre. He discusses that he wishes there was more acceptance of interesting hybrid types of music such as experimental rap.

Gora’s biggest song was dropped in 2018 with over 80k plays, called “Catch”. But Gora has other songs such as “Sweater”, “For You to Say”, “Wherever it goes”, and “Go Far”, that have been created more recently. All of Gora’s tracks can be found on SoundCloud. He describes the experience he has had with releasing his favorite tracks saying, “It geeks me because I love when people can feel the energy I was trying to push is those tracks”. Additionally, Gora has produced tracks for Bentley Coupe and NFN Quin.

Although Gora has many inspirations, he considers his top five to consist of Pharrell, Joey Badass, Capital Steez, Inner Wave, and Earl Sweatshirt. These influences are interesting to see as you listen to Gora’s music.

Gora’s passion for music is inspiring and it is easy to see his hard work through his unique music. He says that he wants to make music until the day he dies, appreciating those who listen. Gora says that he continues to make himself vulnerable through his music, serving the purpose of the art form itself.

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